Diet Plan For Weight Loss aka Military on 3-Day, Work it

What Is The Military Diet? Going on a military diet can be a rapid way to lose weight in a short amount of time if you do it in a healthy way!
The military diet is a challenging calorie-restriction diet that is used to achieve quick weight loss. You will follow this dietary pattern for as long as you need until you achieve your desired weight loss. However, using this diet for more than a month is generally not recommended, as you will be operating on a calorie deficit nearly half the time. This diet is broken up into two phases within each week, 3 days of calorie restriction followed by 4 days of healthy eating.

On the 4 “recovery” days of moderate calorie intake, you should still eat lean meats, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and natural foods if you want the diet to be effective.

There are very strict rules on what foods you can eat, but the key is the overall calorie intake. It is possible to use the military diet if you are a vegetarian, but there is a higher risk of nutrient deficiency, so a shorter amount of time using the diet is recommended. Don’t forget that this is a “crash” diet, so the weight loss will be some combination of fat mass, water, and muscle mass. When you stop this diet, it can be very easy to gain the weight back.

Most experts, however, recommend that this type of crash diet can be dangerous, and should not be followed for too long. Those who have pre-existing conditions or are on certain medications should speak to their doctor before trying this diet.

3 Day Diet Plan aka Military

For the first three days of the week, you will restrict your calories to 800-1,100 per day, following a carefully controlled diet, which does include some processed foods.

1. Day 1

  • Breakfast: One slice of toast with peanut butter; 1/2 grapefruit; a cup of coffee or tea
  • Lunch: One slice of toast; 1/2 cup of tuna; black coffee or tea
  • Dinner: 3 ounces of meat; 1/2 banana; 1 apple; 1 cup of greens beans; 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

2. Day 2

  • Breakfast: 1 slice of toast; 1 banana; 1 cooked egg
  • Lunch: 1 egg; five saltine crackers; 1 cup of cottage cheese
  • Dinner: 2 hot dogs (no bun); 1/2 banana; 1 cup of broccoli; 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

3. Day 3
  • Breakfast: 1 slice of cheddar cheese; 1 apple; five Saltine crackers
  • Lunch: 1 slice of toast; 1 cooked egg
  • Dinner: 1 cup of tuna; 1/2 banana; 1 cup of vanilla ice cream.

How Does The Military Diet Work?

For the following four days, you can consume roughly 1,500 calories, but it should generally be healthy food and should avoid most processed, refined, junk, and fast foods. There are claims that you can lose up to 10 pounds in a single week on this diet, although that extreme level of weight loss can be dangerous. You can repeat this two-phase pattern until you lose the weight you want. When it comes to beverages, you can drink coffee, herbal tea, and water.

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