11 Tips For Holiday Health, Strategic hacks to health life

11 tips for holiday eating, It’s easy to get swept up in the holiday season. This combination of religious and national celebrations can help keep the cold winter away. But the feasts and parties that mark it can tax the arteries and strain the waistline. The holidays can be a tricky time to navigate optimal nutrition.
But you don’t have to erase your social calendar or resign yourself to eating only celery sticks to enjoy the season.
Tips holiday health, eating, and lifestyle
“While you don’t want to completely sabotage your good eating habits, munching on raw vegetables isn’t exactly most people’s idea of a fun holiday party,” says Rachel Begun, RD, spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

You don’t need to deprive yourself, eat only boring foods, or take your treats with a side order of guilt. Instead, by practicing a bit of defensive eating and cooking, you can come through the holidays without making “go on a diet” one of your New Year’s resolutions.

1. Dont forget breakfast
No matter how busy the day, start of with a good breakfast! Nutritionist Heidi Skolnik MS, CDN says a well-balanced morning meal ideally includes a
whole grain, like cereal, oatmeal or whole grain bread, 100 percent orange juice or fruit, and protein like eggs or cottage cheese or dairy, such as milk or yogurt.
2. Budget wisely.
Don’t eat everything at feasts and parties. Be choosy, and spend calories judiciously on the foods you love.
3. Take 10 before taking seconds
The takes a few minutes for your stomach’s “I’m getting full” signal to get to your brain. After finishing your first helping, take a 10-minute break. Make conversation. Drink some water. Then recheck your appetite. You might realize you are full, or want only a small portion of seconds.
4. Don't Skip Lunch
When you bank calories, your metabolism slows down and burns fewer of them; also, you arrive at the party so hungry you’ll eat anything and everything. Instead, eat small, regular meals on party day. An hour or two before festivities begin, eat a moderate snack with fiber, protein and good fats, such as apple slices with almond butter, says Greg Hottinger, MPH, RD, coauthor of Coach Yourself Tin (Rodale, 2012). And drink a big glass of water just before or when you arrive.
5. Scope The Options
Begun says. Fill your first plate with fruit and healthy vegetable-based dishes, advises Hottinger. Skolnik adds, with all the sweet treats around, it’s easy to overeat simple carbs. (And, he adds, if it’s a potluck; bring a fruit or vegetable dish yourself.) Love to dip? Pass on ranch and look for nutrient-dense dips. The lean protein, heart-healthy fats and fiber in bean dips, hummus or guacamole, for example, help you feel full so you consume fewer calories overall, says Begun. Instead of chips, crackers or breads, pair dips with carrots, jicama, radishes, bell peppers and other fresh options, which contain water and fiber to fill you up faster with fewer calories and more nutrients.
6. Hydrate
With scheduling so tight, it’s easy to forget to stay well hydrated. “Many of my clients complain water gets boring; remember all fluids count!” says Skolnik. In addition to water, Skolnik says treat yourself to a nice cup of hot chocolate made with low-fat milk for calcium, choose orange juice for a boost of vitamin C and energy to keep going, try a nice bowl of hot soup at lunch. Even coffee and tea count. Alcohol dehydrates, so holiday drinking does not count!
7. Distance helps the heart stay healthy
At a party, don’t stand next to the food table. That makes it harder to mindlessly reach for food as you talk. If you know you are prone to recreational eating, pop a mint or a stick of gum so you won’t keep reaching for the chips.
8. Drink to your health
A glass of eggnog can set you back 500 calories; wine, beer, and mixed drinks range from 150 to 225 calories. If you drink alcohol, have a glass of water or juice-flavored seltzer in between drinks.
9. Put on your dancing (or walking) shoes
Dancing is a great way to work off some holiday calories. If you are at a family gathering, suggest a walk before the feast or even between dinner and dessert.
10. Splurge
ou read that right. ”If you go to a party and don’t allow yourself any indulgence, it’s going to backfire because you’ll walk away not satisfied and then go home and raid the refrigerator,” says Begun. So choose something decadent—and make it count.
11. Pay attention to what really matters
If balance and moderation are your usual guides, it’s okay to indulge or overeat once in a while. Although food is an integral part of the holidays, put the focus on family and friends, laughter and cheer.

how look easy to make a life health, i hope this articel so make it for you. Thanks for attention you on 11 Tips For Holiday Health, Strategic hacks to health life.

Reference : https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/12-tips-for-holiday-eating-201212245718 & http://www.hihealth.com/blog/5-tips-healthy-holiday-eating/

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