Best Treatment Acne Scars at Home so very Simple and easy

Best Treat Acne Scars

Treat scne scar but the scars acne can leave behind can feel downright diabolical. The good news is that acne scars can be treated. However, before treatment can start you first have to get rid of any acne once and for all since new breakouts can lead to new acne scars. Some of the scar treatments below can’t be done.

Types of scars acne

Before you try to treat your scars, it’s important to know what type they are. Each type responds to treatment differently, and some treatments are better for particular types than others. Scars are formed when a breakout penetrates the skin deeply and damages the tissues beneath it.
- Boxcar
These are wide, U-shaped scars that have sharp edges. They can be shallow or deep. The shallower they are, the better they respond to skin resurfacing treatments.
- Ice Pick
Ice Pick scars are narrow, V-shaped scars that can go deep into the skin. They can look like small round or oval holes, like a chickenpox scar.
- Rolling
These are wide depressions that typically have rounded edges and an irregular, rolling appearance.

At-home treatment

Before you start any treatment for acne scars, it’s important to be seen by a dermatologist. They can help you determine the best method to reduce the appearance of your scars and also make sure that the marks on your skin are actually scars and not another condition.
  • Lactic acid
Don’t worry, this one has nothing to with the gym. A small 2010 study found that dermatologist-performed lactic acid peels done once every two weeks for three months improved the texture, appearance, and pigmentation of the skin and lightened acne scars.
  • Retinoids
Topical retinoids are another acne treatment with scar-smoothing benefits. In addition to speeding up your cell regeneration and improving your skin’s texture, retinoids can also help reduce discoloration and make scars less noticeable according to a recent review.

You can find creams and serums with retinoids over the counter, but your healthcare provider can also prescribe you higher concentrations.
  • Salicylic acid
Chances are high that you’ve already used salicylic acid to treat your acne in the past. From pads to spot treatments and lotions to face cleansers, it’s in just about every kind of acne treatment these days.

Salicylic acid clears pores, reduces swelling and redness, and exfoliates the skin when applied topically. It’s considered to be one of the best treatments for acne scars.
  • Sunscreen
Yes, really. It’s vital to wear sunscreen every day over scars. Sun exposure can darken scars or make them more noticeable.

The takeaway

Acne scars can be frustrating, but there are many treatments that can make them less noticeable. Most scars are permanent, but a healthcare provider can help you find the right treatment to help reduce the appearance of your scars.
The best way to treat an acne scar is to prevent it in the first place. You’re less likely to develop acne scars if you break out less.


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