Benefits, uses, side effects, and effectiveness Of Echinacea Tea for Cancer

Benefits, uses, side effects, and effectiveness Of Echinacea Tea for Cancer - This powerful tea has been used for more than 500 years, and perhaps even longer, particularly by Native Americans in North America. While there are nine different species of the echinacea plant, only three of them are commonly used for traditional medicine purposes (Angustifolia, Purpurea and Pallida).
Echinacea Tea
Echinacea tea remains one of the healthiest and most versatile teas for treating and preventing a wide variety of ailments, including cold, flu, cancer, bladder infections, ear infection, respiratory conditions, arthritis, allergy symptoms, premature aging and exhaustion.

These species tend to be rich in vitamins, minerals, other nutrients and polysaccharides, as well as antioxidants and flavonoids that deliver a host of health benefits. Along with those benefits, there are some side effects, but these are generally related to those who are specifically allergic to echinacea, or other related plants, such as ragweed and marigold.

Most people don’t realize that the chemicals contained in the root differ significantly from those in the upper part of the plant. If we analyze the roots, we can see that they have high concentrations of volatile oils, while the parts that grow above the soil tend to contain more polysaccharides that are known to trigger immune function. Echinacea extract is essentially a tincture from this upper part of the plant.

The University of Maryland Medical Center also reports that the portion of the plant that grows above ground is the most effective. Interestingly, in Germany, dietary herbs are regulated by the government, and above ground parts of the Echinacea purpurea species are actually approved as natural remedies for urinary tract infections, upper respiratory tract infections, colds and slow-healing wounds.

6 Top Echinacea Benefits

People around the world turn to echinacea as a preventative remedy and treatment, due to its ability to reduce inflammation, protect the immune system, speed healing, clear up the skin, prevent premature aging, boost energy levels and detoxify the body.

1. For Pregnancy
Although many herbal teas and natural remedies are cautioned during pregnancy, research has shown that the benefits of echinacea tea are available to pregnant women, specifically in the first trimester. This can ease stress and cramping, discomfort and sleeplessness, and even address mood shifts.

2. Combats Cancer
Fascinating research about echinacea benefits regarding brain cancer has been published by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Stating that, the “medicinal value of phytochemicals contained in Echinacea is clearly evident and indicates that these agents, as well as phytochemicals not yet discovered in other herbs, may be valuable tools to combat tumors.”

3. Alleviates Pain
Echinacea’s history began when Echinacea purpurea was used by the Great Plains Indians as a painkiller.

  • Pain in the bowels
  • Pain associated with headaches
  • Pain associated with HSV (herpes)
  • Pain associated with gonorrhea
  • Pain associated with measles
  • Snake bites
  • Sore throats

4. Make Energy
There is a slight metabolic boost when you consume echinacea, which is why many people like starting their day with a cup of this healthy beverage. This can help provide more energy throughout the day, and help your body use its energy reserves more efficiently.

5. Liver Health
This tea has a few diuretic effects and also helps stimulate protective cells in the liver. This means that there are less toxins in the body, and they are being handled more effectively, making it harder for your body to get sick.

6. Anti-Inflammatory
Arguably the number one killer worldwide, inflammation is at the root of most diseases. Various factors including stress, toxins in our food and poor sleep all contribute. Thankfully, as explained by the University of British Columbia, regular echinacea consumption can effectively reverse and alleviate various types of inflammation.

Recommended Use for Echinacea :

Echinacea is available over the counter in many places, including health food stores, online and even pharmacies and supermarkets. It’s sold in many different forms, including liquid extracts, dried herb, capsules or pill, and even as an echinacea tea.
Benefits, uses, side effects, and effectiveness Of Echinacea Tea
Benefits, uses, side effects, and effectiveness Of Echinacea Tea for Cancer
Whether or not you’re using it for yourself or your children, always remember to use an alcohol-free preparation.

The bottom line is this: Make sure that what you’re buying is the real deal and not some knock-off. To ensure that you receive the most echinacea benefits, always purchase from a trusted brand.

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